Saturday, September 22, 2012

Running in the rain... Didn't exactly make me wanna sing...

As a kid my sister, bother and I used to watch "The Animaniacs" before school everyday.  In this show was a short cartoon called "Good Idea, Bad Idea."  It always showed a skeleton man doing silly things the right, and wrong way.   If running in the rain were on this show... it would definitely be a bad idea.

After a morning of getting my mind blown by Dr. Ralph Tobias (basically the most amazing practicum supervisor ever) I'm in a very psychoanalytic mode today, and felt I needed to pull this one apart.  Running in the rain has a lot of meaning for me.  My other leg, (the computerized one) cannot get wet.  I always have to be extra careful when I encounter water, or get stuck in sudden downpours.  The running leg, however, is a blade attached to a metal pipe and can withstand just about any condition.  So part of me feels set free by the idea of rain with no inhibitions or fears of damage.

I also have this fantasy... (Freud is listening now...) of being in a Nike or Gatorade commercial... You know... one of those "Never quit. Nike has the power to push you forward.." kind of things where the sweat is coming down and the rain is hitting the person hard but they don't even feel it because they are so tough.  Um... Yeah. My experience tonight.  Not so much.  I realized that a beanie and gloves were definitely necessary (though my nike long-sleeve shirt totally kept my torso warm).

I guess one of my first indications should have been that nobody else was running.  Yup just me.  The people staring at me tonight were definitely not looking at my leg, but instead were mainly thinking, "Um... WHY IS THAT CRAZY GIRL RUNNING IN THIS DOWNPOUR?!"  Yeah.  I should have definitely turned around the minute I stepped outside and realized how bad it was... but still struggling with my perfectionistic, self-critical nature of my "self".  One I start I have to finish.  Even if it's a short run.  Working on that...

You might be thinking... aww. I bet this story has a cute happy ending.  I bet she felt really tough and strong and ended up enjoying running in the rain and cold. My answer? No. I did not enjoy it.  Running in warm rain is fun.  Running in cold rain is not.  I did not feel like I was in a commercial.  I felt cold.  Very cold.  I did, however, run very fast and rarely walked which was kinda cool but definitely will not be doing this again anytime soon.

Anywho... pretty sure I contracted pneumonia.  Took a crazy hot shower and toasty in sweats tonight :) A little over a week til my second 5K! :)

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