I can't believe in 1 short week I will be running my first 5K! When I first thought about running a few months back, I called my sister. I told her the new prosthetist I had been going to wanted to give me a running leg to try out. She was honestly the first one to remind me about the crazy dreams I'm always having about running. She was also the first one to tell me that she believed I could do it (shortly followed by my mom). I told her I really wanted to do a 5K someday, even if I could only do part of it. She replied by simply saying, "No Meg. You WILL do a 5K and you WILL finish it." She was so excited for me to get in shape and accomplish this. When I had this conversation, I imagined myself a year or two from that point signing up for one. I had no idea that i would be training almost everyday getting ready for one after only a little over a month training :)
I know that I'm still not in the best of shape for this. I still "run/walk" as I like to call it, where I alternate between running and walking it out. I have yet to run a full 5K but this being my first one, my goal is to run as much as I can, and cross the finish line running. Even if I am walking the last mile up until 50 feet before I cross I want to cross the finish like a champ :) haha.
Things have been a little nutty training this week. I thought things felt busy when i was juggling work and internship... but this week I threw in school as well. My first day back looked a little like this:
5:00am Wake up!
6:00am My ride arrives
7:30-11:30am Internship
(Eat lunch in the car)
12:30-3:30 Class
3:30-7:30 Work
7:30 n 1.5 mile run :)
Shower, eat, make/pack lunch, iron clothes...
10pm Sleep
Somehow though, I felt so strong and energetic during my run... I had a lot of anxiety that day, an I think I was finally able to channel it all at the end of the day. I'm hoping to keep the motivation up and get through this crazy long week of practicum, school, work, homework and training... and kick some serious ass on Sunday :)
You're amazing and I KNOW you will do it Meaghan!! I can't wait to hear how it went. Just remember what I always say...BREATHE :)