Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bucktown 5k!!! FIRST 5K!!! (Squeal!)

Getting to the race this morning was a bit interesting.  I don't know if I can blame Google Maps or my brian's not so great functioning at 6am... but does "Take the 70 Division Street bus to the Blue Line" not sound like one should get ON THE BLUE LINE?? No no. It means get off at the blue line and then take the 9 bus from there.  Um... Mmkay.  Took the scenic route which included getting on the blue, having an "Oh Shit" moment, getting off the blue, getting on the blue going the other direction BACK TO WHERE I WAS, and getting on the 9 bus. Oops.  No big though.  Totally made it with time to spare.  

I arrived and Melissa showed me my guide.  I was planning on telling Melissa I didn't want one.  I honestly love running alone, and letting my music and the sound of my breathing help me connect with God and motivate me to keep going.  Before I could even attempt to decline, Eric (one of my prosthetists) volunteered to run with me as well.  Along with the another girl (a friend of the first guide). Now I had three people: one on either side, and one behind me.  Not gonna lie, I felt a bit like Kate Middleton with my body guards running when I ran, and walking when I slowed down.  I must say... even though I still think I prefer to get in my zone while running, it was really nice to have my little pack with me.  :) I felt a bit of safety going into my first race, especially when a huge heat of people came running behind me.  (I must say... I'm not sure I'll ever get over that feeling of complete fear when the sound of hundreds of runners are coming up from behind)

My awesome team of body guards :)

This was definitely an awesome first race for me to pick.  The race took place on the streets of Bucktown.  They basically shut down the whole neighborhood and all the neighbors came outside and cheered us on as we ran through :) The first mile felt great.  I was energized and pumped :) There was only one idiot who made a rude comment towards me, and even though Eric offered to run after him and take him out, we decided to let karma take care of him.  We quickly forgot about him as everyone else running and watching was cheering us on :) Decided today that I am in no way a competitive, time focused type A runner.  I'm more of a run for me, run to escape, run to reduce stress kinda girl.  The second mile... a little more exhausting.  Right around the 2 1/2 mile mark there was an unexpected aid station where some neighborhood people had made mimosas for runners.  Um. Ok. I'm a small person with no tolerance for alcohol... but WOAH! they were crazy strong!! haha. Not gonna lie, it felt kinda nice to down a little shot at that point.  The last mile...ugh.  I was definitely hurting a bit.  My limb was feeling tight and I really wanted to stop for a few minutes but we kept going.  We alternated between running a bit and walking it out.  I paced myself and definitely was doing much longer running strides than I have been :)

When we hit the 3 mile marker we started back up running, and a few minutes later, I saw the finish line.  The instant my eyes locked on the finish something came over me.  The aching in my limb disappeared.  My pace picked up and I kept saying "Oh my god Oh my god!"  As I crossed the announcer yelled out "An here comes Blade Runner Meaghan Cusack!" I had absolutely no idea that was coming and I felt like a famous person :) 

I finished in under an hour, and even though I walked part of it, I ran a 5K.  I finished.  I crossed the finish at a run.  Those were my only goals this time :)  (Okay... I might have checked the website and I might have even beat a few people... but hey... nobody is keeping track...) I got a wonderful little massage this afternoon before diving into homework :)

Next race: Aids Run/Walk Chicago in 2 short weeks :) So excited to do this again.  Cannot wait for that rush!!  And totally going to kick my race time's ass :)

The Blade Runner's Pre-Race :) (again... look for super bright shoelaces...)

Bib Number

My awesome new fleece :)

Not gonna lie... this is the real reason I ran :) haha

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Meaghan!! I can't believe how fast you ran your first race. You Rock :}

