Monday, July 29, 2013

Under construction: new leg casting, new shoes...

So... I've been a bit MIA from running for a while, due to a couple of things.

1. My "good" ankle has been a little... bleh.

After the "Race to Wrigley 5k" my "good" ankle began hurting.  I figured I twisted it, and decided to see how things went.  Six weeks later I was still in pain and decided to seek help.  I saw a podiatrist in the city and it turns out I have tendinitis as well as a small extra bone in my foot that I was born with (apparently this is common).  He gave me a brace to wear and an ibuprofen cream to apply, as well as a prescription for new running shoes.  Um... yes.  I got to go to Fleet Feet and be fitted for new running shoes and inserts to better support my foot and ankle :)

2. My prosthesis doesn't fit

I've had this prosthesis a few years, and since then have slimmed down a bit.  My limb isn't fitting super well in my prosthesis, and the lack of support in the socket has caused a lot of pain and discomfort.  Because of this, I am currently being fitted for a new leg.  It's a long process.  The "casting" day requires the prosthetist to wrap me in plaster to get a mold of my limb.  He then creates a "test socket" for a series of multiple fittings.  I come in, walk, and tell them how things feel, and they make changes to the socket's shape.  The first day I was able to try the "test socket" I noticed the "test" foot was black.  My prosthetist was somewhat embarrassed, explaining that they didn't have any small Caucasian feet in the office for test sockets.  I laughed and was sure to take a picture of "my first black foot." Since then I have been to several LONG fittings and finally was able to bring the "test socket" home to wear around a few hours each day.  This gives me a better idea of how things feel and where I am feeling discomfort so that they are able to make more changes before creating a final socket. 

In the meantime, my ankle has been feeling a lot better after wearing the brace and new shoes.  I decided to continue running (even if only a small amount) and signed up for a few upcoming 5K's.  I will keep you all updated on my next races and my new prosthesis!

Disposable shorts to prevent my clothes from getting plastered while casting. Yup. Fashionable. I know.  

New cover on my C-Leg

My new kicks :)

The infamous "black foot"

The "test socket" for fitting  

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