Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back to training...

I've really struggled this week realizing my need for independence and space from the people I love the most, my family.  Being home was perfect.  It was the break I needed and was filled with love and encouragement from my family.  I enjoy being in the middle of the craziness, where everything (including trips to Walmart to return the vacuum "somebody" broke sucking up Christmas tree pine needles) is an adventure.  But part of me really yearns to be out here busting my butt and working towards my dream of becoming a psychologist.  I've been working through some of this guilt, and learning how to let it go.  It's important to desire independence at this stage of my life.

I think my body is ready to go full-force into life again.  I'm a bit unmotivated being on break, and getting myself to work on cover letters and my CV for next year's practicum is difficult.  This week practicum starts up again, and then school, and of course working as well, so I'll be busy again in no time. 

I have been running, however, and my leg has been feeling pretty good.  I even got myself up early on Saturday and ran a quick mile before starting my day.  i found some great neon-green zebra print "cheerleader" spandex to wear underneath my liner in order to run more comfortably :)

Erick emailed me to let me know that it's supposed to be 50 degrees Saturday! :) (I mean... i could have checked on my fancy phone...)  Anyways... I'm very excited to be running in decent weather (hopefully :P).  I'll be sure to update after the run :)

After taking some running shots, Katy wanted to take a few pictures of me switching legs, in order to help others to understand what it looks like, so I thought I'd include them here...

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