Sunday, October 21, 2012

Monster Dash 5K!

First of all... I need to get a little better about checking details before runs :) I've been signing up for, and running them one right after another, and it's been hard to remember to keep it all straight (esp when they all take place in the same area... Grant Park, Soldier Field, Museum Campus...)  I definitely forgot to mention to Dervin that we started at 9:40am, not 9:00am... Oops.  

The best part about the run was FOR SURE the costumes :) I rocked Little Red Riding Hood, and Dervin was my awesome Zombie body guard making sure nobody got near me :)  I think my favorite costume idea at the race was a ground who dressed at the different "L" lines with the stop dots down their legs, and signs on their front and back with the Line end points.   

I'm not sure why the volunteers handing out candy made me so excited.  I think my "inner-child" just really misses trick-or-treating and halloween parties at school... haha.  It was rather difficult to grab candy from an outstretched hand in mid run.  At one point I totally took another runner's twizzlers thinking she was a volunteer.  (Um... I'm sorry.  I don't feel bad.  Why do you have like 10 in your hand? You look like a volunteer...)  I was more excited about receiving the candy than eating it.  Dervin ended up eating most of the candy :)

The race route was a bit... um... interesting.  Very narrow sidewalks, beat up path, puddles of water and mud... It was difficult maneuvering around people, but we managed.  My leg wasn't feeling it's best today... I've been having some issues with the socket, and I felt it today.  We walked a bit of the race, but many others were walking too, so I didn't feel too bad.  At one point Dervin threw me on his back and ran with me :) haha. We laughed a lot, danced a lot, and made the run very fun.

The end of the race was really cool.  Again... I gained my second wind right before the finish line, running hard and fast to the end.  Everyone was lined up along the sides, and they were all cheering us on.  We finished very strong, running uphill, and got our official Monster Dash Finisher's medals :)  Overall, an awesome race :) 

Next up... Hot Chocolate 5k with Mom and the boys from Ted's Montana Grill (Tom and Rick) :)  I can't wait to rock my ear-warmers and kick some serious ass!! 2 weeks! :)

Some of our photos...

Before the race :)

Yes. That is my leg. :) And rocking the jacket and finishers medal 

Awesome running buddy :)

Haha. We had to take this one :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A week off running for some much needed processing...

This week was a bit rough.  I was not fitting into my leg socket very well, which began a day or two before the AIDS 5K.  I ran it anyway... even though parts of it were a true struggle.  This really affected my residual limb, and at the beginning of this week I could hardly walk because of chaffing and blisters that had formed.  I took a few days off of running, which, due to homework, practicum reports, and overall exhaustion from my day, became almost a week without running.

During this week I have been doing a lot of processing.  I discovered a new song, by my favorite artist, Joshua Radin, called "Tomorrow is Gonna Be Better."  This man completely chills me out, and his music has helped me through some really tough times.  I highly recommend YouTubing this one if you need an "end-of-week pick-me-up."  I have been thinking a lot about my own "conditions of worth," the expectations I have thought were necessary in order for me to feel loved or of worth to others.  And how the idea of being "strong" and a "hero" has always been something I have felt I must be for others.  I am working on feeling satisfied just being me, and being ok with myself when I become anxious, or emotional, as it doesn't negate the "strength" that I strive for.  I want others to just see me, without my story providing people a pre-conceived notion of the person I am today. 

 I have also been thinking about the meaning of the word "inspire" this week.  Many people throw this word around these days.  For me, it takes a lot for someone to really move me.  But recently, I've been touched in such an overwhelming way by my mom and her devotion to running.  For those who know my mother, Anni Cusack, they know she is one of the most selfless and compassionate people on this planet.  My mom is a tiny bit ADHD, and literally cannot sit still for more than a few minutes.  She has found exercise to be a major outlet, and frequently can be found hiking, biking, snowshoeing, and bouncing around in the front row of the fitness class at her gym.  Running was always one of those things my mom told people she just didn't do.  It wasn't until I began running that my mom even considered the idea.  Another thing people who know my mother can tell you is that she isn't capable of doing things half-way.  Our family is constantly being "sucked in" to a late night project, helping her cut construction paper and stamp envelopes with her famous "lips" or put together goody bags for out mission trip team.  It should be no surprise that when she began running that she would again be in 100 percent.  My mom is now running every day, with her iPod and stopwatch in preparation for our first run together, the  Hot Chocolate 5K this November.  

I don't think people are always aware when they inspire someone.  I believe in the power of one person, and the impact someone can have on another person's life.  I don't think my mom has any idea how much she is inspiring me by committing to this.  I am so proud of her progress thus far, and cannot wait for her to get to experience the rush of crossing the finish line with me in a few weeks.

Running resumes tomorrow in preparation for the Monster Dash 5K :)

The two of us "sipping and painting" :) Can't wait to see her in a few weeks!