I never really put much thought into the shoes I was wearing while running, that is until my knee started aching the other day. I had been wearing those Sketchers "Shape-Ups" as they were the only somewhat athletic shoes I had, and I really didn't have the money to go out and buy something different. The shoes put you in a constant hyperextended stance, causing you to over-extend the knee while it forces you to engage your thigh and butt muscles. When I knee they were hurting me I stopped wearing them, but decided since I was going to have to kill a pair of kicks in the Mud Run, I might as well trash the Shape-Ups... Um... yeah. Bad idea.
My knee has felt pretty awful the last week and I've been unable to walk for more than a few blocks let alone run. I have been working, coming home and immediately taking off my leg. I always wanted to become a doctor as a kid, and have known the RICE method since kindergarten. Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation. It's been my motto the last few days. Since the Mud Run it's been a whole lot worse, and although I don't at all regret doing it, I know that this pain is a consequence of pushing yourself when I knew I was injured.
I have never felt super comfortable being without my leg, and never go out that way unless absolutely necessary. It's forced me to stay inside quite a bit, which has been exhausting for me. I look out my window at the beautiful weather and wish I was running the sidewalk. I feel like I had been going 100 miles per hour and come to a screeching stop. However, after much thought and processing (still a future psychologist after all...) I have realized that I'm still a young, fit, 23 year old who has a lot of years to run my little heart out. That is, if I listen to my body when I'm hurt, and take care of myself until I have healed. I decided to volunteer for the Terrapin 5K this Thursday, so I can be a part of it, and meet the "Scheck and Siress" amputee running group without stressing my knee out too much. I could use the encouragement, and I'm sure a few tips on preventing further injury :P I am all signed up for the Ossur Running Clinic in 2 weeks as well, so the plan is to rest and heal so I can kick some serious amputee ass.